Brackish Water Desalination Project PW 694

In accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Carollo Engineers, the work includes furnishing of all labor, materials, tax, equipment, incidentals and services for the construction and completion of the Brackish Water Desalination Project PW 694.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date12/2/20 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Antioch
Lori Medeiros  


Antioch, CA

The estimated cost for this work is $67 Million Dollars

In accordance with Article 4 “MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING AND PRE-BID SITE INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT”, Section 4.02A, the City will be conducting a virtual pre-bid meeting by a Zoom conference on October 13, 2020 starting at 9:00 a.m. and expected to end at 11:00 a.m. It is mandatory that all Bidders either attend the virtual pre-bid meeting or watch a recording of the meeting at before submitting a Bid for this Project. Prospective bidders will be allowed to ask questions during the meeting.

All bidders that plan to attend the virtual pre-bid meeting are required to visit the following link: in order to register for this pre-bid meeting. This can be done at any time prior to the meeting and it is recommended to do so at your earliest convenience. Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link that will allow you to join the meeting.